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2009年3月17日 星期二

[APEX] 安裝 APEX 3.2 in Oracle 10g XE

APEX(Oracle Application Express)是Oracle用來取代Oracle Form和HTML DB的下一世代產品,他是架構在Meta-Data上面的開發架構,簡單的說,Oracle試著讓你不要寫程式也可以快速開發出一些實用的WEB應用程式,也稱為宣告式開發(Declarative Programming).

APEX 官方網站

Oracle Application Express (Oracle APEX), formerly called HTML DB, is a rapid web application development tool for the Oracle database. Using only a web browser and limited programming experience, you can develop and deploy professional applications that are both fast and secure. Oracle application express combines the qualities of a personal database, productivity, ease of use, and flexibility with the qualities of an enterprise database, security, integrity, scalability, availability and built for the web. Application Express is a tool to build web-based applications and the application development environment is also conveniently web-based. Watch this Application Express Positioning flash demonstration and then try Application Express simply by signing up for an account at

我的Laptop上已經有Oracle 10G XE,APEX3.2也在日前Release,今天花了點時間把APEX安裝起來,順道在APEX官上網下載了資產管理的範例,也安裝起來,執行的結果如下圖. 之後就可透過APEX提供的功能去修改功能,或新增報表,不用再寫程式喔!

APEX我還不太熟,用這個當起點學學,未來有機會在來Share. 據說著名的Oracle Asktom網站也是用APEX開發的,個人覺得挺有未來空間的.
